Sunday, August 26, 2007


I don't know what to do..

Since finishing school exactly two years ago I haven't stayed in Canada for more than two months at a time - not because I hate it here but because there have always been better opportunities elsewhere. Now I'm coming to the end of month 2 and I'm kind of freaking out!

I have a stable job...and a plan (I plan to apply to go back to school next Aug.) but here's my dilemma...what do I do in the meantime?? I have two options:

Option 1: Stay put, live at home with the family and work and volunteer. And maybe take a course or two at UofT.

Option 2: Go to Seoul for the year and save money for school.

Both have their own pros and cons...and I'm really struggling with making the right choice. BTW, I'm turning 26 this week - could that have anything to do with my restlessness?? :p