Sunday, December 30, 2007

Life goes on

I think I'm going through a quarter life crisis. It sounds lame but it's true :)

Sunday, August 26, 2007


I don't know what to do..

Since finishing school exactly two years ago I haven't stayed in Canada for more than two months at a time - not because I hate it here but because there have always been better opportunities elsewhere. Now I'm coming to the end of month 2 and I'm kind of freaking out!

I have a stable job...and a plan (I plan to apply to go back to school next Aug.) but here's my dilemma...what do I do in the meantime?? I have two options:

Option 1: Stay put, live at home with the family and work and volunteer. And maybe take a course or two at UofT.

Option 2: Go to Seoul for the year and save money for school.

Both have their own pros and cons...and I'm really struggling with making the right choice. BTW, I'm turning 26 this week - could that have anything to do with my restlessness?? :p

Monday, August 06, 2007


My Taiwan adventure has come to an end! I don't know which was more difficult...saying goodbye to my friends and students or coming back to a city with virtually no prospects for meaningful employment...(by that I mean something that would make use of the years I spent studying International freaking Development)

Anyway, as of June/07 I'm no longer in Taichung, Taiwan... what an amazing experience that was! I met great people and had so many fantastic adventures (and some misadventures too :p). I got to travel a bit which was EXCELLENT! I visited friends in South Korea and went to Singapore and Malaysia for a long weekend. And I know a bit of mandarin now... if I want to keep it though I should study here too.

For now, I'm doing temp work at the University of Toronto (Accessibility Services). So all I'm sure of at this moment is that I'll be in Toronto until Oct/07 working and volunteering. After that, the sky's the limit!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

You know the best thing about Chinese New Year? We get a week off work!! Alhamdulillah, I need a break.

hello year of the Pig! I wonder what the year holds for me as a Rooster =)

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I'm posting this to say that i had a break thru moment yesterday when I realized WHY I had been severely underutilizing this thing for the past

yeah, if you look back a couple of years it just so happens that a majority of my posts are about school! mostly about how it's been a pain in my ass day in day out. now that I'm out of school it's like I don't have anything to complain about. in reality I do, but those annoyances don't bother me to the extent that I feel i have to write about them.. hm. yea so that's why I haven't been posting. I'm not making excuses, I'm just saying...

anyway, everything is great here in the R.O.C. (and by great I mean tolerable). I'm doing more work to fill in the huge amounts of free time I have. In addition to the classes, I do private tutoring. Two of my students are a dentist couple who work from 9am to 10pm, five days a week! why they choose to spend their lunch break talking with me is beyond me...

so just to recap since that last spastic post (there really was an earthquake, first time I've been in one), I haven't been up to much. For new years while everyone was partying and drinking and maybe experimenting with drugs, I was on a vow of silence. Yep for four days not a word came out of my mouth. Why I did that I don't know but I felt like it was something I had to do. I went paintballing this weekend. I have the bruises to prove it :p it was fun. very different. there was a mishap when I kept shooting at the ref (gave him a nice whack on the neck) but that was the only blemish on the whole day.

that's about it for now =)