Wednesday, June 22, 2005

"When third world countries lose a nurse, teacher, or engineer and Canada gets a cleaner, everyone loses."

This is from an article I read a while ago and it got me canada too restrictive when it comes to foreign training/credentials?

I have mixed feelings about this issue...I mean I can understand that it might be next to impossible to have some kind of standardized system for foreign credits and training...but at the same time though, I feel like our gov't is being a little underhanded when it comes to attracting skilled workers from other countries (epecially those from the 'third world')...

Who hasn't heard the shpeel about how Canada's labour force isn't growing at a desired rate? And how skilled immigrants are needed to keep the economy afloat? This is what foreigners hear all the time. Canada needs you! Bring your skills to Canada! bla bla bla. The gov't doesn't give proper warning to these people about the reality of the situation. It doesn't tell them that their years of education will probably go to waste and that they might have to do even MORE schooling! And it sure as hell doesn't tell them that they probably have to take jobs nobody else wants!!

....sorry for the rant. Anyhoo peoples, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to bash Canada. I love this country, but it's good to criticize from time to time...keeps us on our toes :)

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