Monday, June 07, 2004

Damn! I think it must be mating season or something...there are like 20 million birds in the neighbourhood singing loudly and incessantly. Some birds sound regular but there are quite a few that sound so strange. One bird sounds like it's laughing and there's one that sounds like it's whistling, really cute.
There are a couple real annoying ones thought, and being the lucky person I am, the most annoying bird happens to be living in the tree next to my window. yay. And if that wasn't bad enough, this stupid bird starts singing at 4 in the morning! And it doesn't stop. I'm used to it now, so it's not so bad.

This weekend, I learned never to try and set up friends. No matter how perfect I think they are for each other. Too much hassle man and it ain't worth it.

What else? Hey, I'm going to Montreal (or as the Frenchies say it, "Morrealle") My friend will be there for two months this summer hoping to learn a little French. I'm thinking she won't come back fluent, but at least she'll know a little more than she does now (which is nothing!)

My summer is going well so far. Suprisingely, I'm enjoying all my classes...I'm pretty sure I'll do well in all of them. I got a cool job with the Humanities and Social Science co-op office at school. It's pretty much the same thing I've done during the school year when it was just the Arts Management c-op, except that I'll have a few more responsibilites but it's all good. I'm enjoying it.

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