Monday, July 04, 2011

Realizing long held dreams and goals is going to be the theme for the rest of this year! (hopefully)

And it starts with the trip of a lifetime later this month....I'm finally taking the train across Canada from Toronto to Vancouver...I've wanted to do this for so so so long that it doesn't seem real yet (I'm sure it will sink in once I get the credit card statement though). The trip will take 3 days/4 nights and luckily I bought a sleeper cabin so I won't go crazy from lack of proper sleep.

Anyway, I'm really excited. I don't know anyone on the West Coast but I can't wait to see what it's about. And of course, I can't wait to see the beauty that is Canada...oh man, is it July 23rd already?!


Sam said...

Salam. I have added you to Somali Blogs.

F.O. said...

cool, thanks for the heads up!