Thursday, February 26, 2004

This is pretty accurate I would say..even the bit about my 'frequent bouts of neurosis." I sometimes think I'm losing it. I tend to behave like someone who is obsessive-compulsive. For example, I always sit in the same seat in my classes...if I don't, I freak out silently for about ten minutes. But then I'm OK. So I'm not really THAT crazy.

Amal thinks I am though. In fact, she told me to seek professional help and that she would refer me to a really good shrink. Um..I think I won't take you up on that offer. But thanks for your concern!!

You are Schroeder!

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P.S. I feel good about the test I wrote today. I didn't have to resort to vomiting on my midterm. It's definitely a solid 'C'.

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