Thursday, February 26, 2004

This is pretty accurate I would say..even the bit about my 'frequent bouts of neurosis." I sometimes think I'm losing it. I tend to behave like someone who is obsessive-compulsive. For example, I always sit in the same seat in my classes...if I don't, I freak out silently for about ten minutes. But then I'm OK. So I'm not really THAT crazy.

Amal thinks I am though. In fact, she told me to seek professional help and that she would refer me to a really good shrink. Um..I think I won't take you up on that offer. But thanks for your concern!!

You are Schroeder!

Which Peanuts Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

P.S. I feel good about the test I wrote today. I didn't have to resort to vomiting on my midterm. It's definitely a solid 'C'.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Here's a cool thing I got in the email once...THINGS TO DO IN THE EXAM IF YOU'RE GOING TO FAIL ANYWAY:

1. As soon as the instructor hands you the exam, eat it.
2. Turn in the exam approx. 30 min. into it. As you walk out, start commenting on how easy it was.
3. Get the exam. 20 min into it, throw your papers down violently, scream out "Fuck this!" and walk out triumphantly.
4. Comment on how sexy the instructor is looking that day.
5. Try to get people in the room to do a wave.
6. Puke into your exam booklet. Hand it in. Leave.
7. Walk in, get the exam, sit down. About 5 min into it, loudly say to the instructor, "I don't understand ANY of this. I've been to every lecture all semester long! What's the deal? And who the hell are you? Where's the regular guy?"
8. From the moment the exam begins, hum the theme to Jeopardy. Ignore the instructor's requests for you to stop. When they finally get you to leave one way or another, begin whistling the theme to the Bridge on the River Kwai.

I'm seriously considering doing one of these in the economics midterm.

Back to my "studying" (no sleep for me tonight.) And good luck to everyone battling with nasty midterms

the title goes here!

Hehe! Me so smart, just figured out how to add titles!

I've been studying for economics since 2. I think I overdid it a little, but I'm so unprepared for tomorrow's midterm! My brain hurts...i'm so tired; but I'm not sleepy. I'm just so tired of studying all the time. Thats all I do. And I don't even do it that well...I don't even know why I got accepted in to university. Really, I'm not that bright. I'm one lucky girl! Someone screwed up bad when they let me in!
I need a vacation. And I need to leave soon before I go on a rampage and start burning every book in sight.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Since last weekend I've been house-sitting this guy's's not really a 'house'...just a basement apartment, but anyhow, that's not the point of my story. The main thing he asked me to do was to make sure that the fat cat of his didn't starve to death. I'm not a cat person so I wasn't too happy about that but I agreed to do it anyways.

I was down there a couple of nights ago to refill its food and water. I kind of felt sorry for it because it's been alone for several days and I thought that it had to be bored out of its mind.
I was debating whether or not I should bring out its toys and entertain it for a little while when it did the weirdest thing in the world! It WINKED at me! The cat winked at me. I swear it did! Nobody believes me, but why would I imagine a thing like that?? Then it did something else that made me vow never to touch another cat for as long as I live.

This guy has the creepiest cat in the world! Creepy and something else too. I don't wanna say what the 'something else' is because it's just too weird.

Monday, February 23, 2004

one more thing...cats are strange creatures. that is all.
Um, work was pretty rough today...I spent approx. 5 hours putting brochures in folders, putting those folders and letters into envelopes and finally, labeling those envelopes. So much paper everywhere. I have like ten papercuts on each finger.

Another thing, the damn library has been on my ass for a week. Something about me owing them money for some books I returned ages ago. Maybe I should go and try to straighten this out before they start taking away my 'borrowing privilages'. But I'm never good at dealing with these things...I apologize in advance incase I assault a library worker tomorrow. I'm just kidding. I would never do that.

There was something else that pissed me off today, but I can't remember what it was at the moment, dang I really wanted to write about it. goodnight.

Friday, February 20, 2004

Bummer...No Ottawa for me this summer. Looks like I'll be going to summer school, like I had originally planned.

Rejection sucks! But at least they were nice about it.
I took this test hoping to get some really cool animal, maybe a horse...but noooo I'm a big, fat, lazy BEAR! Aww isn't it so cute though?

What Is Your Animal Personality?

brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, February 16, 2004

Man, what a day. whataday, whataday!
I went to the Ontario Ministry of Environment as part of my extern career exploration program placement (i.e. fancy way of saying job-shadowing.)
Basically all I did was follow around this person nodding and smiling the whole time while interjecting "really?", "wow!" and "that's so informative!" at proper intervals.
And I don't think I've ever said "nice to meet you!" so many times in one day. ohh my poor little face is so sore from all the smiling...
It was tiring but I'm so glad I took part in the program. Honestly, it was an eye opening experience, and I learned A LOT! It was definitely worth it.

Oh yes, on the way back I also ran into a dear old friend of mine from grade 12. Hi Afroza!! And N. I'll call you tomorrow, I'm beat!

Saturday, February 14, 2004

oh dear...I think I need to throw up.

Friday, February 13, 2004

what the hell kind of idiot am I?? I swear, something is wrong with me. shit.

Well, remember those two classes I 'dropped'? Even though I decided to drop them and stopped going all together, I didn't officially do it until this morning. (I thought I had to drop before the 15th to get 50% of the money I paid for the course.) WELL!! Turns out that I should've dropped before the 9th if I wanted to get my money back! And the tragic thing is that I had decided to drop these classes well before that date! So I could've got half of my fucking money back!!! AHHHHHHH!!!

So now, I drop these two classes and I lose 800 bucks in the process, instead of the 400 I would've lost if I read the damn paper right and dropped before the fucking stupid deadline!

Excuse me while I go break something...

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

I'm thinking of buying tickets to see A Perfect Cirlce in April. hmmm

Friday, February 06, 2004

Dang....dangdangdangdangDANG. I completely fucked up the interview...what a perfect way to end the perfect week. People say I'm overexaggerating. I felt the same way last summer too. I thought I ruined my interview with hrcc-s, but they ended up calling I still sort of have a chance, but I really, really doubt it.

And those stupid 'tips' were fucking useless.

That's it, I won't say anything more about this job. I'll pretend they didn't even call me last week...I'll be like "National what Commission??? What the f is that?"
TGIF!!! This was the week from hell. Too many things to do and not enough time. and thank goodness I have self control b/c I was thisclose to dropping 2 courses and quitting work the last couple of days.

ohhh my interview is nervous. I went on the net to get phone interview advice and I found some good tips that make so much sense but would never have thought of...

stand - 'cause your voice sounds stronger when you stand
smile - communicates enthusiasm and friendliness
don't have too many 'um' 'uhh' moments because they're amplified over the phone
and dress as you would for a regular interview...makes you sound more professional (versus doing the interview in your jammies...which was what I had planned to do!)

Thursday, February 05, 2004

me so so very, very tired *sigh*

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Today I decided enough is enough! I dropped Climatology...I know you think I'm crazy Rikta...and I probably am a little bit, but I'd rather be crazy and rested than crazy and exhausted/worn out.

I was taking too many damn classes anyway, something had to go. And it wasn't going to be my sanity so it might as well be Clima-fucking-tology. All I have to say is GOODBYE and GOOD RIDDANCE.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

I have an interview this Friday. And it's a telephone interview. I've never had one of those before...I can't wait. Oh man, I'm so giddy!!

Also, I got another call from this place I applied to last semester. With the Canadian Forces...they're recruiting and want me to attend an info session this Thursday...I wonder if I should call back? Nah, I've got economics anyway, so I couldn't go even if I wanted to

I really need to get back to studying now
Told myself I wouldn't blog until I finished my work and caught up with the reading but I just had to do it. THEY CALLED ME. THEY CALLED ME. THEY CALLED ME!!!!!!!

I couldn't believe it! I still have to call them back but I'm pretty optimisitic about it, they sounded pretty cheery on the message.

Oh man, if I get this....

people wish me luck, pray for ANYTHING! Please let me get that job.

P.S. the weird dreams are still coming

Sunday, February 01, 2004

I just woke up from one of the most bizzare and terrifying nightmares I've ever had...I woke up completely horrified and sick to my stomach. Without going into too much detail, it involved torture and lots of gore and blood curdling screams of pain. Also for some reason, Tim Horton's was in there briefly...they were using paper bags from Timmy's to hold the organs and body parts...

All I'll say is that I don't want to sleep again for a very, very long time.