Wednesday, October 27, 2004

something is bothering me...a lot! and I just can't figure out what it is. Don't know what's worse - the nervous knot in my stomach or not knowing what is causing it.

I'm feeling so inadequate and useless right now. I think I need a vacation, maybe I'm just exhausted...

hmmph, back to work

Monday, October 25, 2004

Oh yeah, I'm such an idiot! I forgot to say Ramadan Kareem to my family and Muslim friends! I love this month
What a perdy picture

Anyhoo, back to sulking...

I feel like I got run over by a really big bike.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

f'ing hell, why am I still sick? I hate feeling like this, I'm hot and cold at the same time and I swear it feels like my internal organs are shivering. That can't be good,
I should take K's advice and go to a doctor. But dammit, I aint got no time! I have a midterm tomorrow and another one on Saturday. Hopefully I won't pass out until I'm done writing them. I don't care what happens after, just please let me get through these midterms! plllleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaseee!

k, that's all.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

I'm screwed, next week I'm going to be a mess, I know it.

I have a midterm on Tuesday, an essay due on Thursday, a midterm on Friday and another midterm on Saturday! The week after that I have 2 essays and a lab due...THEN I have to start writing my FOUR term papers which are due around the end of November....THEN I have a couple of weeks before finals start. omg, pray for me :(

Thursday, October 07, 2004

I got this from a good friend...

friendship is like piss in your pants,
everyone can see it, but only you can feel it's true warmth.
so, thanks for being the piss on my pants.
pass it on, ass.

...I feel so special :P

Monday, October 04, 2004

Oh boy, shopping is so stressfull, I can't believe people do it for fun! I went to the eaton centre and oh my gosh, so tired is the ultimate energy zapping activity I think.

And my nose, it started bleeding this morning. I have a feeling it has to do with the huge headache I got from that mall...actually, it's unlikely that the two events are related, but who knows :P

I still need to find shoes, I think I'll put that off for a while, I can't go back yet!